Privacy Policy

COOKIES uses Internet “cookies” to track visits to our websites. Purpose of these technology is to help us analyze web traffic as also to enable our website to function in accordance with their stated purpose. Some of these technologies we use ourselves, while others are used by the Partners with whom we collaborate on development and improvement of our services.

Do you know what is cookie?’

It is a very small file in text form with main purpose to send information to the website user’s browser application and stored on your hard disk drive or some other storage. They usually include the name of the website where it collected, its maturity date and a number value which is usually inconstantly produced for data processing purposes.

When you access our webpage, hosting server sends a cookie which are stored on your computer and give us information about your previous visits. They don’t contain any of your personal information, but on the other side they will increase your speed and will be more accurate on activating necessary information, different kind of data, and enable settings which have been previously released when accessing Main cookie purpose is obtaining the necessary information on the attractiveness and the success of their site and thereby benefit a third party under called Google Analytics.

If you want to see more information about this third party service, together with users option and ability how to regulate items cookies that are necessary for this, please check it out at:

http: //

To provide you with a better user experience and efficient plan for future marketing campaigns and content appropriate to your interests, we use the tool Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting that collects data about gender, age and interests, which also include remarketing in Google ads.

Each visitor of www.croatiashuttle will receive a cookie.Cookies can be used for the next purposes:
1) To solely identify you as a visitor by issuing a number to be reused when you visit again(not in any other means.) In this way we can customized our content for your activity, and on the other side to do “frequency capping” used in advertisements, for example to prevent you from too much exposure to our marketing materials; 2) This permits us to gather anonymous statistics in order to better check the communication of visitors with and how to to improve its construction.

All information we collect at through cookies are totally anonymous and contains no references to your identifiable information such as names and surnames, ID numbers or any e - mail addresses.Information to identify you is stored independently and with full application of all reasonable controls in order to limit access and processing.

Cookie Period.Cookies are saved on your device or other storage for a fixed period.On the other side ‘session cookies’ are stored to your device’s temporary memory storage for the time of your visit.Cookies are deleted when you leave

Enabling and disabling cookies.Your browser application’s cookie settings enable you to accept or reject any cookies you wish.You need to be aware that not accepting or disabling cookies can lead that some webpages functionality on will no longer be available.


Certain visits to will cause a different cookie in order to enable the functioning of the “Hotjar” session recording application.We use this application to help us improve performances of www.croatiashuttle.Session reporting means that the application will track your pointer actions and keystrokes as part of your visit to This information is afterwards compiled into a video clip for us to possibly review at a later date.

The session recording software is set up so that any sensitive information, such as credit / debit card information, is NOT recorded.

The Hotjar company, whose application product enables session recording, has signed a Data Processing Agreement with us.In accordance with the terms of that DPA, the Hotjar company will never store any information recorded during any session for a period longer than is required to analyze that session, nor will they ever transfer this information to a third party, nor process it for any purpose whatsoever.

The use of session recording software complies entirely with the EU General Data Protection Regulation No. 2016 / 679(“GDPR”) drafted on April 27, 2016 and enacted on May 25, 2018.